Expand Your wine knowledge with the local Southwest Michigan wine expert and historian. Steve Salisbury. This priceless add-on is COMPLIMENTARY for the first two tour that inquire. Enjoy Steves company during your tour, while asking any wine-related questions.

Expand Your Wine Knowledge With Steve Salisbury

Add it on to any of our Signature Routes — Northman, South by Southwest, and Eastern Promise.

Would you like to learn more about each winery you visit and their wines? Curious about Southwest Michigan’s position in the wine industry? Need some insight to what makes Southwest Michigan wines stand out? Say no more! Meet our resident Michigan wine enthusiast and local historian, Steve Salisbury. Our expert will join your group to provide additional education, answer questions, teach you pro tips at the tastings, and help you make the most if what Southwest Michigan Wine Country has to offer.

SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER: Steve’s services are COMPLIMENTARY to the first two groups to inquire.

Get social with Steve or listen to his podcast If Vines Could Talk as he passionately pursues Michigan wines.

We believe Michigan makes great wine. It is an up-and-coming region, already producing world-class award-winning wines.